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Joe's Does Commedy-
After years of prodding by customers, Joe has developed a super-hilliours After- Dinner Speach for a sales professional audiance. Read more, you might want in on this one!


"Hey, we totally appreciate you guys. You have shared very valuable information with my sales force and we have implemented a lot of your strategies with terrific results. Keep up the good work."
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Joe's After-Dinner Commedy Presentation:


"Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Sales...
But Were Afraid to Ask

ÆJoe Brings his trade-mark sales comedy to a full “After Diner Speech” platform

Joe’s Talks are Always filled with well received humor… and Now He’s created an entire Dinner Speech which is ALL Comedy, No Training, But…Specifically designed for the Sales Professional audience.

Dear Fellow Sales Professional,

After years of prodding, by clients, Joe has turned his Sales Humor into a marvelously crafted, hilarious and spectacular “After Dinner Speech” designed to be just comedy, but with a Sales Twist.

It’s NOT Sales Training. It’s Just Comedy.

However, the comedy is on sales related subject matter, and when delivered to a sales audience, the reaction is……Hilarious!!

When you bring a group of people together for training, it’s not just about the content or what’s covered during the ‘official’ part of the program.

Many times people are coming in from out of town, staying over in a hotel and in need of some sort of activity. Joe’s after-dinner-comedy speech would be a welcome comic-relief for your next group gathering.

The title of this presentation is: “Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Sales But Were Afraid to Ask”,

Here’s how it could fit in with what you have planned in the upcoming months:

1. As a stand-alone after dinner speech at a function you are currently holding for sales staff, customers or distributors.

2. An after-dinner speech in conjunction with a day of sales training Joe would provide.

How Much Does it Cost?

• Well, if you’re having Joe come in for a day(s) of sale training, he’ll throw the one hour dinner speech in at no additional charge. (even though Joe will have to dedicate an extra day for this, he won’t charge you for it)

Keep in mind...There is a method to our madness. Joe does not often work for free, so you can bet this will be a limited opportunity in this format.

• If you’re not having a sales training function in combination with this, then Joe’s standard day rate would apply.


As you are accustomed too, Joe’s sales training has and always is customized to your company and industry. For this after-dinner speech, there is some customization built in to incorporate your company and your industry, but the core of the program is set.

It’s designed to be given as part of a multi-day training function or convention. The night before the training with Joe, or one of the evenings during a convention/event.

Here’s the Deal, and the reason I’m writing:

1. Only past and existing clients who know Joe are being invited into this beta-run.

2. Joe will deliver this dinner talk to your group, the night before a regularly scheduled training day where you have him come in. He will not charge any additional for this dinner speech.

3. You can opt to pay Joe’s standard day rate, if you just want the dinner speech.

4. As mentioned, this is a beta run, and we’re only looking for a few good participants, so this will be on a first come basis.

If you want in or have questions, please contact Norm at: 864.654.3997

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